Saturday, September 1, 2012

Monocacy and Catoctin Watershed Alliance

The Monocacy & Catoctin Watershed Alliance (MCWA) is a mutual, collaborative, non-advocacy effort among individuals and organizations desiring to work together to improve the health of the Monocacy and Catoctin watersheds. Growing out of more than two years of action planning for the Monocacy Watershed Restoration Action Strategy (WRAS), a Frederick County coordinated and State assisted local planning process, participants decided to continue their affiliation and cooperation at its conclusion in order to help foster WRAS plan implementation.

Monocacy Scenic River Citizen's Advisory Board Meeting

The next meeting of the MSRCAB will be at 7pm on 5 September on the 2nd floor of the Taneytown Fire Station, 39 East Baltimore Street, Taneytown, MD.

The proposed agenda includes:
  • Review/discussion of August meeting and its minutes
  • "The Monocacy Starts Here" --press release and other project dissemination
  • MD 140 River access project update
  • River clean up—September or October
  • Frederick Fair—possible River Board presence at County booth—volunteers needed
  • October meeting confirmed at the newly-restored Thomas House on the grounds of the Monocacy Battlefield with guest speaker, Andrew B anasik, park ecologist.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Tim at 301.600.2508 or


Barb at 410.386.2145 or